Advertise on CityofHialeah.Com
Your Connection to South Florida!
Did You Know...Hialeah is the city with the highest percentage of foreign born citizens in the United States.

Below are the various button and banner sizes to suit your advertising needs. Quarterly and semi-annual prepaid discount rates are available. If you are interested in advertising on CityofHialeah.Com, please feel free to email us or call (305) 888-4468. We look forward to doing business with you.

Micro buttons rates are $15.00 per month. This is the size (88x31) of a micro button:

Medium button rates are $20.00 per month. This is the size (120x60) of a medium button:

Large button rates are $25.00 per month. This is the size (120x90) of a large button:

Square button rates are $35.00 per month. This is the size (125x125) of a square button:

Half banner rates are $40.00 per month. This is the size (234x60) of a half banner:

Full banner top placement rates are $80.00 per month. This is the size (468x60) of a full size banner:

Once again, should any questions arise, please feel free to contact us.
